Recent Posts
August 30, 2011
Bring on the RAGE!

With the high frequency that new games are being released, it can sometimes feel overwhelming to try to pick a title that will be worth the hefty price. Read More
August 24, 2011
Modern Warfare 3 is incoming!

Looking back on the past Call of Duty titles, it is easy to see that there is a fundamental difference between each of the releases. While they all fall under the same overlying title of COD, the games have all gone in different directions. While Treyarch has taken the game in one direction, Infinity Ward has taken it in a very different one. Read More
August 18, 2011
Bioshock Inifinite

There are a few things that I cannot wait for that are set to take place in 2012, #1: The 2012 Olympics, #2:Finding out that the end of the world has not occurred and last but not least #3: The release of Bioshock Infinite. Read More
August 11, 2011
Mining for the Future: Minecraft

Lately I have been looking for more games to play and things to do while wasting time online (don’t tell my boss that last part, though), and I came across Minecraft. I know: terribly late, but better late than never, amiright?Read More
July 20, 2011
The Evolution of Social Gaming
In the last few years, we in the gaming industry have seen a change occurring in not only the way that games are played, but also the way they are shared. While the idea of gaming being a social activity has not changed, the way in which we are doing it has. At one time, gaming with other people was restricted to the people that would come to your house to play the new releases. While this still occurs very often, there are newer ways that social gaming is happening, driving not only the social aspect of gaming but also the idea of gaming socially. Read More