Posts for May 2011
May 26, 2011
So What is This Joystix Pro Thing, Anyway?

Joystix Pro was created to provide PC gamers with the ability to play their PC games with the use of gaming controllers, or gamepads, as easily as possible. Joystix Pro allows its users to connect to a library of controller configurations, based on the game the user wants to play. Read More
May 23, 2011
What could be better than a Forsaken World? One filled to the brim with giant animals wishing to kill you!

Today was my last day of playing Forsaken World. While I am happy to begin playing the next free online game, I can also say that I am a bit upset to see Forsaken World leave my life. In my last blog, I made sure to let all of you know that I was not up to date on MMO’s, RPG’s, or even FTP’s for that matter, let alone FTPMMORPG’s! Read More